TUE, MAY 10, 2022 • S3 E34 • 46 MIN 31 SEC
My guest today is Hans Rey. Hans is a legendary trials rider, and guys like Danny McAskill and Kenny Belaey stand on his shoulders in that realm. Hans is a big fan of e-bikes, he rides his e-bike as much as he rides his traditional mountain bike, often on amazing adventures in beautiful places. We’ve run a few of these adventures in the magazine, and you can see them on our website. He’s currently working on his next adventure, set in Mexico City.
I’ve known Hans for a few decades, going back to my BMX days, and one thing is for sure. Riding with Hans is an experience you’ll never forget. His skills are insane, he’s always practicing, and he’s like a little kid with his enthusiasm and level of fun on every single ride.
Check the show notes for links to his YouTube channel and other fun stuff!
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/user/Hansnowayrey
Slay The Bay: https://electricbikeaction.com/slaying-the-bay/
Trans Angeles: https://electricbikeaction.com/trans-angeles/
Other links to Hans:
Electric Bike Action Podcast
TUE, MAY 10, 2022